Club Teen 21
Club Teen 21 is for teens and young adults ages 12-21 with Down syndrome. Monthly activities will be held in the Salt Lake Valley. Activities and location will vary. Caregivers are welcome to go or stay and visit with others in the Caregiver Lounge when permitted. Peer volunteers will be available during various activities but not all. Registration for each event is required with a small participation fee. Join our email list below to receive information for upcoming activities.
We are looking for leaders and peer volunteers in Utah County, Cache Valley, Davis/Morgan/Weber Counties, and Southern Utah to help plan, coordinate, and attend the activities. If you are interested or have questions about Club Teen 21 or the activities please email info@udsf.org or call 801-446-1994.
We want to expand this program throughout the state so volunteer today to get one started in your area.
Sign Up To Receive Club Teen 21 and UDSF's Emails
Join UDSF's Birthday Club
Salt Lake Metro World Down Syndrome Day Celebration, Movie with the Stars, Regal Theater in Taylorsville

World Down Syndrome Day Celebration for the Salt Lake Metro Areas.
Movie with the stars! Join us for a red carpet event where the stars, our stars with DS are celebrated! Regal Theater in Taylorsville, showing Disney Snow White.
Arrive early to walk the red carpet.
Free admission for individuals with DS. $3.21 for additional guests.
During the month of March, do 3 acts of kindness and receive free popcorn and treat. (Come prepared to share your 3 acts of kindness and share them on social media, tagging @udsfoundation and using #threekindactsfords.) Don't forget to rock your socks for DS on 3/21 too!