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Adults with Ds (18+)

Adults with Down Syndrome

This program offers monthly activities for adults 18 years and older with Down syndrome in the Salt Lake area.  Activities include karaoke, dances, and game nights. Registration for each event is required. Join our email list below to receive advertisements for upcoming activities.

If you are interested in helping with, have ideas for, or want more information about activities, please contact Ann Marie Christensen at

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Down to be music video premier

This Down syndrome awareness month come celebrate the potential of individuals with Down syndrome that is individually unique to them and that should not be capped by societal expectations.
Enjoy the Down to be music video premier from the comfort and social distance safety of your car at the drive-in. At the conclusion of the video stick around to watch a complimentary showing of Disney's and Pixar's Onward (UDSF does not necessarily support the views or opinions portrayed in this film or by the Walt Disney or Pixar Companies click link below for a review of the movie).
Admission is FREE but you must register to reserve your parking spot. UDSF asks that ALL attending adhere to social distancing guidelines; which are to stay six feet away from others not of your household and at all other times to wear a mask.

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